BSL Talks

Watch our recent BSL Talks webinars

BSL Talks is a regular webinar series hosted by the Brotherhood of St. Laurence. Evidence and research are discussed across a range of topics from housing affordability to climate justice. The aim is to consider the real life impacts of research on policy making and service improvements. While the community sector is the target audience, the general public are also encouraged to attend.

Register now for our upcoming BSL Talks - Why measuring poverty matters on Wednesday 21 August

The Brotherhood of St. Laurence (BSL) invites you to join internationally renowned expert in poverty measurement, Professor Sabina Alkire, Oxford University Professor of Poverty and Human Development in a special edition of BSL Talks.

In conversation with Travers McLeod, Executive Director of BSL, Professor Alkire will present a summary of her work on multi-dimensional poverty index and discuss its potential application in Australia with an esteemed panel.

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Watch our latest BSL Talks webinars

Inequality in Australia: Insights from the Life Chances study

BSL's Social Policy and Research Centre's ongoing Life Chances Study began in inner Melbourne in 1990 with 167 babies and their parents. Over 14 stages the study has focused on different aspects of inequality. 

Focusing on diverse aspects of the life course, the study has contributed important insights into the dynamic interrelationship between individual lives and social and economic policy on the life chances of the participants.In June 2024, the Life Chances study concluded. 

Watch the recording of the final report launch and a special edition of BSL Talks - Inequality in Australia: Insights from the Life Chances study. Dr Rebecca Huntley launched the report, and the event featured a special BSL Talks panel discussion with two Life Chances participants, along with Dr Rebecca Huntley, BSL researcher Dr Dina Bowman and Professor Roger Wilkins from the Melbourne Institute.Learn more about the Life Chances study:

Counting women in
A special edition for International Women's Day

“Our ultimate aim for this group, Women in Poverty, is not to exist”, said Aradia Sayner, co-founder of the group, in our latest BSL Talks. Discussing the theme of this year’s International Women’s Day, Counting Women In, the webinar focused on breaking poverty cycles by improving women’s economic security.

Our esteemed panellists - Dr Anne Summers AO, Aradia Sayner, Terese Edwards from Single Mother Families Australia and BSL’s Dr Margaret Kabare – were joined by nearly 200 online guests. Hosted by our Social Policy and Research Director, Dr Nicole Bieske, the webinar was a moving discussion that canvassed a wide range of reasons as to why women find themselves trapped in poverty and how we could change this with both short and long-term solutions. Housing affordability, low participation of women in employment, high rates of part-time roles for women, high costs of further education, unpaid caring responsibilities, and woefully inadequate rates of government payments were just many of the barriers mentioned.

Panellists acknowledged that while there have been some recent positive steps towards improving systems – like the abolition of the punitive Parents Next program – much more needs to be done. Watch the webinar below.

Past BSL Talks Webinars

Watch some of our recent BSL Talks webinars below.  Subscribe to hear about future events.


Quick links:


Date: 19 October 2023
Webinar Title: BSL Talks. Ending child poverty in Australia: systemic and practice-based solutions
Duration: 57:39

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Date:13 September 2023
Webinar Title: BSL Talks. The Difference the Voice Will Make
Time: 58:24

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Date: 3 August 2023
Webinar Title:BSL Talks. Enabling Electrification Report Launch
Time: 1:31:16

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Date:5 July 2023
Webinar Title: BSL Talks. #DeadEnds - How the social security system is failing us
Time: 57:46

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Date:21 June 2023

Webinar Title:BSL Talks at Parliament House. Partnering for a Poverty Free Victoria
Time: 53:54

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Date:20 June 2023
Webinar Title: BSL Talks. Engaging Multicultural Communities on the Voice Referendum
Time: 53:59

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Date:10 May 2023
Webinar Title:BSL Talks. Tackling Poverty in the Early Years
Time: 1:07:01

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Date: 9 March 2023
Webinar Title: BSL Talks. Mind the Gap! A special International Women's Day Webinar Edition
Time: 56:37

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Date: 13 December 2022
Webinar Title: BSL Talks. Power Pain: Opportunities to reduce energy stress
Time: 1:01:19

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Date: 20 October 2022
Webinar Title: BSL Talks. Tackling child poverty through policies and payments
Time: 58:38

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Date: 22 August 2022
Webinar Title: BSL Talks. Developing a modern health and human service workforce: a systemic change approach
Time: 57:14

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Date:28 June 2022

Webinar Title: BSL Talks. Work, care and social security: making it work for children and families
Time: 57:27

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Date: 7 April 2022
Webinar Title: BSL Talks. Not just boomers vs millennials: Life chances and intergenerational equity
Time: 1:00:00

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Date:10 March 2022
Webinar Title: BSL Talks. Enabling women's economic security in 2022 and beyond

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Date:5 November 2021
Webinar Title: BSL Talks. Financial Lives in Uncertain Times Webinar

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Date:15 September 2021
Webinar Title: BSL Talks. Shifting the dial on child and family poverty

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