Our strategy
Founded in 1930, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence has since grown into one of Australia’s most recognisable social justice organisations, with a diverse professional staff and over 1,000 volunteers.
The founding convictions for a transformed society, expressed through the generous diversity of the Anglican faith, remain core to the BSL’s mission into the twenty-first century. They provide an inclusive invitation to those of all faiths and no faith to work in partnership to eradicate poverty and see lives transformed.
BSL’s 2019-2023 Strategy sums up the vocation of BSL - contemporised, but standing strong in this founding faith, as loving service in the pursuit of justice.
Our work contributes to Australia’s efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals , particularly Goal #1 which aims to halve the proportion of people living in poverty by 2030.
Download our 5 year Strategy (PDF, 3 MB)